• Business
    Properties that the company provides service for can be roughly divided into five types including middle and high-end residence, commercial office building, enterprise headquarters building, large commercial complex, and industrial park.
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    Hangzhou is a city of history and culture, a city of innovation and vitality, and a city full of oriental charm. Binjiang Property was founded in Hangzhou in 1995 and started its long-term development ever since.

    Binjiang Property is a subsidiary of Binjiang Service Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. It holds the national Class-A property management qualification and is the member unit of China Property Management Institute, deputy director unit of Professional Property Management Committee of Zhejiang Real Estate Association and vice-chair unit of Hangzhou Property Management Institute.

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    ?2019Hangzhou binjiang property management co.,ltd 浙ICP備09004594號-1/浙ICP備09004594號-2
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