• Property Service Warms the Spring! Property Management Staff Helped the Patient in Urgent Conditions and Brought the Lost Kitten Back Home
    Publisher: Release time:2024-04-25
    Today, let’s take a look at Hangzhou Chuang Zhi Lu Gu Development Center served by Zhihe Property, a subsidiary of Binjiang Property. There, the frontline property management has written two warm stories with love and responsibility.

    Saving the Patient in Urgent Conditions

    Not long ago, at around 7:30 p.m., Yu Weimin, a member of the night shift order team of Hangzhou Chuang Zhi Lu Gu Development Center was doing routine waste registration work when he noticed a woman sitting at the entrance to Building 9. When he approached, he found that the lady was having difficulty breathing, and her hands were stiff and clenched. It seemed that she was in an urgent situation.

    Faced with such an emergency, Yu Weimin immediately called the foreman and his team members nearby for assistance. He helped the lady sit down on a chair and noticed that her fists were clenched so tightly that he could not pry them open easily. The foreman and the director arrived soon. They comforted the lady tenderly while carefully prying open her fists and rubbing her fingers to relieve the stiffness.

    At the same time, the order team members also called 120. Before the medical staff arrived, they stayed and kept a close eye on the condition of the lady. When the ambulance arrived, they helped the medical staff to carry the lady into the ambulance and informed them the condition of the patient before.

    The timely and effective help of the property management staff secured precious time for the lady’s treatment. A few days later, after her recovery, the lady visited the service center of Chuang Zhi Lu Gu to express her gratitude to the property management staff for saving her life and making her feel warm from the bottom of her heart.

    Searching for the “Laifu” Kitten

    One day this spring, a cat named “Laifu” went missing from Building 5 of Chuang Zhi Lu Gu Development Center. The anxious pet owner searched everywhere but still could not find any trace of the kitten.

    After learning that the kitten was lost, the Order Department moved quickly to review the surveillance video for clues.

    In the following days, the patrol team explored every corner to search for the kitten in their spare time. Finally, one day at around 19:30, a patroller unexpectedly found the missing kitten at the west gate of Building 6. It looked a bit weak but fortunately was not hurt or injured. The patroller brought the kitten back to the service center and soon informed the owner.

    “Thank you so much. It is a very important member of my family,” said the pet owner who was very relieved and grateful to get her cat back. Surprisingly, later the cat owner sent an interesting silk banner that said “Quick Response, Good Service. Meow, thank you for bringing Laifu home”.

    What humanized and professional property services bring us is the warmth that goes straight to our hearts.

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