• Binjiang Property’s “Ginkgo Service” Company for the Elderly
    Free Traditional Chinese Medicine Service in the Residential Quarter of Yiwu Supports the Elderly to Shoulder the Primary Responsibility for Their Health
    Publisher: Release time:2024-04-23
    To cope with the aging of the population and the increasing number of the elderly in the community, Binjiang Property has launched the “Gingko Service” plan for the elderly.

    To provide better care and service, improve the living quality, and satisfy the medical needs of elderly residents, the service center of Yiwu Park One has recently worked with Yiwu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to give free medical consultations to the elderly. Through various channels including the bulletin board and WeChat group, the service center encouraged all elderly residents to participate.

    In addition to routine items such as blood pressure and blood sugar, the free clinic also specially set up a B-scan ultrasound device to detect carotid plaques and thyroid issues. Examination reports were available instantly and conveniently. After getting their reports, many elderly residents said that they would pay more attention to daily health management and shoulder the primary responsibility for their health.

    Traditional Chinese medicine was one of the biggest features of this free clinic. A variety of TCM treatments and herbal teas were available on site and were very popular with elderly residents. Many of them tried various TCM treatment methods such as acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, and ear acupuncture, which effectively alleviated various ailments caused in daily life. These TCM treatments are good for their personal health and can help elevate their mood and enable them to be more positive about life.

    This free clinic was very well received by all elderly residents of the residential quarter. The property management service center will continue to explore activities that are beneficial to the physical and mental health of elderly residents and pay close attention to their health, spiritual, and cultural needs to make every one of them feel the warmth and human care of the residential quarter as a big family.

    ?2019Hangzhou binjiang property management co.,ltd 浙ICP備09004594號-1/浙ICP備09004594號-2
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