• Garbage Sorting Brings A Low-carbon Life
    Publisher: Release time:2024-03-26

    Garbage sorting brings a low-carbon life and a great step towards civilized life!

    Ruimingdi Community, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City recently organized a special open day activity themed with garbage sorting. 

    The property management personnel introduced relevant garbage sorting knowledge to owners on site in such links as the reasons for garbage sorting, garbage four-color classification method and garbage sorting point redemption. In the meantime, by the means such as Q&A, they further introduced the method to distinguish the garbage that easily misleads residents’ sorting, to call on everyone to actively share what they learn to their family members and apply it to the voluntary service of garbage sorting. 

    What’s on earth the garbage that easily misleads residents’ sorting in community? Green trash can is for perishable garbage rather than such garbage as plastic bags and fruit packaging net. Grey trash can is for other garbage rather than such garbage as carton and cola bottles. 

    The employees from Binjiang Property also joined in the Juhechang Volunteers Group of Hefeng Community, who further mobilized owners’ enthusiasm and initiative for participating in garbage sorting on site by actively making publicity from point to area. 

    The point redemption of garbage sorting is very popular among owners. The awards available include transparent soap, tissue, laundry detergent, hand sanitizer, garbage bags as well as cooking oil and condiments. The property service center said transparent soap, tissue, laundry detergent and garbage bags were quite popular among the owners who redeemed their points. 

    To better consolidate the garbage sorting knowledge that the owners learnt, various forms of garbage sorting games were designed on site, such as garbage flying chess, sorting turntable and simulation dispenser. Everyone including children played happily on site. Such interesting games not only improve the neighborhood relationship but also enable the owners to learn and apply garbage sorting knowledge with full vigor and keep the knowledge in mind. 

    Garbage sorting is not only an environmental protection project, but also a civilized habit. The property service center and Hefeng Community will implement garbage sorting work continuously, ensure the promotion, practice and check activities with full efforts and advocate the “environmental protection, green and low carbon” life idea in community actively, to create a beautiful civilized low-carbon life with everyone.

    ?2019Hangzhou binjiang property management co.,ltd 浙ICP備09004594號-1/浙ICP備09004594號-2
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